Our services

Asset Management

Our commitment to providing high level expertise combined with emotional intelligence sets us apart and ensures the value you receive exceeds your expectations.

Trust and Estate Planning Services

Managing Trust and Estate plans can be complex, confusing, and emotional. We simplify the management of your trusts by raising awareness and offering clarity. We assist in the organization, structure, and implementation of the overall plan in connection with all different areas of your life. Learn More.

Financial Planning

When it comes to financial planning, our approach is rooted in compassion and understanding, ensuring that every detail is meticulously tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Private Equity Consulting

Private Equity offers diversification, but often time, risk. With EvoQue as your team, we help weigh the risk, opportunity, structure, and organization of adding Private Equity to your portfolio.

Financial Wellness

Our investment solutions are designed to not only deliver financial success but also provide peace of mind, knowing that your aspirations and well-being are at the heart of every decision we make. We take the time to learn about the details of your life, and ensure your investments and financial decisions are in alignment with who you are.

Retirement Plan Solutions

Our Retirement Plan Solutions are designed to offer flexibility and clarity. We offer choice of Custodian, and choice of plan. For example, we offer 401(k), 403(b), SIMPLE PLAN, SEP IRA, Custodial ROTH/IRA and more accounts.

Non-Profit Management

Choosing an advisor for a non-profit is not an easy task. With many board members with differing perspectives, it is often hard to work as a team. EvoQue’s experience with non-profits, following Investment Policy Statement’s, and managing the financial and investment needs of a non-profit ensures alignment between the intention of the funds and the investments.

Choice of Custodian

Through Integrated Advisors Network, we give clients the choice of the following custodians:

  • Charles Schwab

  • Fidelity

  • RBC Wealth Management

  • Pershing

Insurance Solutions

We offer a variety of insurance solutions for clients in need of a reliable, transparent agent. Whether you are looking for term life, or high net worth liability coverage, we have the flexibility you need.

Wealth Mentoring

We understand that wealth is more than dollars, and it can be a lonely experience. We offer compassion, understanding, and guidance to help boost your awareness and alignment between money, yourself, and the world.

Donor Advised Funds and Charitable Giving

We can assist in the implementation and management of Donor Advised Funds and Charitable Giving through our Custodians.

Tax Planning

We work in partnership with your accountant and lawyer to plan for taxes and implement tax mitigation strategies.

“Investing with compassion and intelligence is the key to a successful financial journey. Your story is just beginning, and we are here to help it evolve in the best way possible.”

-EvoQue Investments